4th Qtr 2017 Park City Market Stats

The single-family market transactions and median sales price grew at 5% and 14% respectively over the past year. 84% of these sales occurred outside the Park City Limits as primary home buyers’ demand for the Wasatch Back lifestyle increased. The condominium market...

3rd Qtr 2017 Park City Market Stats

October 20, 2017 – The Park City Board of REALTORS® has released year over year quarterly statistics for Summit and Wasatch Counties. The overall real estate market continues to be healthy, stable, and growing at sustainable rates. The number of single family market...

2nd Qtr 2017 Park City Market Stats

August 16, 2017 – Within the broader Park City market area, a changing geographic trend continues! At the close of the second quarter year-over-year housing statistics released by the Park City Board of REALTORS® show steady market growth and absorption of inventory...